List of Goods and Services Exemptions under GST Act

 List of Goods and Services Exemptions under GST Act

What is Exempt Supply

Exempt supply under GST means supplies that do not attract goods and service tax. In these supplies, no GST is charged. Input tax credit paid on these supplies will not be able for utilisation. These are the following three types of supply which are considered exempt supply:-

  • supplies which are partially and wholly exempt from the charge of GST by the notifications which amended section 11 of CGST and section 6 IGST.
  • supplies which come under sec 2(78) of the Act. which covers the supplies which are not taxable under the Act like alcoholic liquor for human consumption.

Classification of Exemptions

Supplier may be exempt — Exemption to the person making supplies-i.e supplier, regardless of the nature of outward supply.

Types of Exemptions

Absolute exemption: Exemption without any conditions.

Ex: Transmission or distribution of electricity by an electricity transmission or distribution utility, Services by Reserve Bank of India.

Conditional Exemption: Exemption subject to certain conditions.

Ex: Services by a hotel, inn, guest house, club or campsite, by whatever name called, for residential or lodging purposes, having declared tariff of a unit of accommodation less than ` 1000/- per day”.

Conditional or partial exemption

Eg- Intra-State supplies of goods and/or services received from an unregistered person by a registered person is exempted from payment of tax under reverse charge provided the aggregate value of such supplies received by a registered person from all or any of the suppliers does not exceed ` 5000/- in a day.

GST exemption from registration

➤ Agriculturists

GST Exemption for Businesses

Small and medium scale businesses can enjoy GST exemptions if their aggregate turnover is up to a specified limit. When the GST Act was launched, this limit was INR 20 lakhs for individuals and businesses and INR 10 lakhs for hilly states and the North-eastern States of India. However, in the 32nd GST Council Meeting, which was held in January 2019, the limits have been changed. These limits are as follows –

GST Exemptions for Goods

There is a list of goods that do not attract GST as recommended by the GST Council. The reasons for granting an exemption on goods might include any of the following –

Here is a list of some of the most common goods which are GST exempt –

list of some of the most common goods which are GST exempt

Here is a list of some of the services which enjoy GST exemption


Though GST is applicable for all businesses and on the supply of goods and services, the above-mentioned exemptions are available. These exemptions reduce the GST burden and help in the socio-economic development of the country.

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