Best ways to register a sole proprietorship in India
Starting a sole proprietorship business in India is fairly an easy affair. Sole Proprietorship is a “Single-Person Establishment” and is the most simple form of an entity with minimal compliance procedures. This type of business can be incorporated in fifteen days. Generally, the registration for a sole proprietorship is completely optional and it does not require any formal registration as such but to get tax benefits, people do register their firm as a sole proprietorship. Ways of registering a sole proprietorship Before going for sole proprietorship registration, you need to take care of some basic things. Firstly, you have to decide on a suitable business name and choose a suitable location as the designated place of doing your business. After this, Generating a current account is considered to be the groundwork for starting this business. A current account ensures safe payments in the proprietorship’s name. Let’s now understand how an individual can register for a sole proprie...